Preparing for a C-Section Birth

It’s Caesarean Section Awareness Month and as a C section Mamma and professional supporting people who have them, I wanted to do more to raise awareness and break some stigmas.

The lovely Clio Wood aka @andbreathewellbeing is preparing for an elective C Section and we chose to talk live about why and how, including the importance of wellbeing on all levels in pregnancy and postpartum.

Clio shares how she is preparing for birth this time and what support she is getting.

If you are wanting to prepare for any Birth, or have been told you may need a c section, then please get in touch. Either myself or Clio can help offer support or advice on how to prepare and what you may need to recover.

#bellybirth #abdominalbirth #beyondbirthguide #cesareanawarenessmonth #babyprepping #birthprep #csectionawarenessmonth #csectionrecovery #perinatalmentalhealth #beforebirth #beyondbirth


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