What is Nurturing You?

🦋When we feel nurtured we thrive. 

🦋When we are nurtured we bloom.

🦋When we choose to nurture ourselves we grow in confidence and our relationships improve

It's 2024! New Year... Same Mission! I'm in this for the long haul loves and hope you are too - thanks for being here! Read on as I have something very important to share with you.

As a therapist, coach and mother  (and HUMAN!), my ethos is and has always been one of Nurture.  It feels so aligned with how I feel and my values. 

The biggest lesson I learnt becoming a mother was that I had to learn to Nurture myself as I nurture others - and also to ask for nurture from others. 

Nurturing in adulthood is a relatively new concept.  If you google the word Nurture, then you’ll mostly see information on nurturing babies and children (rightly so), but I see how much more adults need it too - especially when we become parents! Or when we are in service to others.

Nurturing ourselves is not just about self care. It’s VAST and changes as our daily needs, expectations, experiences and desires shift. 

It’s mental and physical. It’s about being aligned to our values and purpose. Our healing and our intentions. 

🦋When we feel nurtured we thrive. 

🦋When we are nurtured we bloom.

🦋When we choose to nurture ourselves we grow in confidence and our relationships improve 

If you’re feeling stuck, lost, unhappy, unloved, disgruntled or needing change then perhaps consider coaching or even therapy to set you off on a journey you feel inspired to make and stick to. 

Now I’m not saying we don’t need all of the above too - we really do need community, love and good relationships, but it’s time to nurture ourselves as we nurture others. 

Constantly seeking answers, permission, love, validation and support when it’s not always possible or there can drive us to feel more disconnected and alone, which leads us to behave like we are and believe we are too. 

When we prioritise ourselves, it enables and emboldens us to seek what we need within first, giving us confidence to connect outwardly as, where and when we must with more alignment to who we are and understanding of what it takes to be just that. Who we are. 

But it’s not easy. Many of us have learnt from childhood not to trust ourselves or not to put ourselves first. We may have been told that is selfish, or needy. We may have been conditioned to always please others and meet others demands without a care for our own happiness or basic needs. 

But it’s time to show our babies and children a different way. It’s time to find inner peace and break cycles that keep us stuck and never satisfied. 

Don’t you agree? How might this look for you? What would be your new narrative? 

I know many of us are not ready to hear this, but prevention is better than cure. 

We are heading into deep water if we carry on ignoring the facts. 

Staying healthy long term requires us to take action daily to move, eat well, heal from stress and past pains, care for our environment and nurture our relationships 

Nurturing ourselves comes first. It helps us to wake up and live according to our values. It gives us an awareness to ensure we stay resilient, proffer kindness, compassion and boosts confidence to go for what makes our hearts sing. 

Are you with me? 

Here are some questions to ask yourself for 2024:

🦋What direction will you face for 2024? 
🦋Where will you choose to be? 
🦋What action can you take to be with the people that ensure you grow?
🦋How can you nurture yourself to be truly aligned with who you are and can grow to be?


Intrusive Thoughts and Anger in Motherhood with Dr Caroline Boyd