Why mental wellbeing practices are now vital in the perinatal period

We are all afraid of madness...

...that's a fact.  No-one is immune from this fear. But the truth is, it's not like it used to be, however, the majority of people still feel it.. why?

We are born with the blue-print of fear.  Our ancestors all feared it, so it's passed down the line via our genetic makeup. 

  • In Roman times, they drilled holes in peoples heads to cure them from "madness"

  • Then people were burnt at the stake 

  • Many people were deemed mad even when they were not

  • We were locked away and tortured...

  • The media still portrays "mad people" in horrific, inhumane conditions

  • We are deemed unsafe, unloveable and un-curable...

  • Even now, mental ill health often means specialist services...

Get the picture?! I could go on...

So is it any wonder many people hide the fact they are not feeling themselves or even afraid to say they are taking care of their mental health?

We are educated in school and by our parents about physical wellbeing, but we were not educated about how to take care of our mental health.  Our children are now though.. and why? Because we are seeing the effects of our world and society on our growing children and we know we need to teach them about mental wellbeing.

It's that simple.  We must do the same for ourselves, and model this to our children from the heart of the home, and not just leave it up to schools and other people to do this for us.

We need this for ourselves. Simple.

And this is where Beyond Birth comes in.  

By bringing simple, effective mental wellbeing practices into peoples lives in pregnancy and/or early parenting, we can manage and maintain mental health, keeping the proverbial wolf from the door.

Madness and our attitudes to it are all in our head.  Let's break the stigma and take care of our minds as well as our bodies. If we do, our children will follow.

I hope you agree.  A whole lotta current Beyond Birth Practitioners do, and are seeing wonderful results as they run their Beyond Birth Groups around the world. Do you want to join us in our Collective?

My training will show you how to easily support new parents in an enjoyable, feel good way, so that you all benefit and start healthy new habits for life.

Watch my video to help you get clarity on what it’s all about. 


Sophie x


Why Beyond Birth is an answer to the perinatal mental health problems we are seeing worldwide


Autumn reflections