Autumn reflections

Taking a moment to pause and reflect was never more important than during these uncertain times and as we move into a season change.

It is so important for our mental wellbeing to do this, especially at the moment as we find ourselves in a time of uncertainty. Equally, becoming parents is another time of uncertainty. So now it's a great time to reflect on what's important to us. 

Take time to slow down. Equally when we come into autumn, this is another time of change and taking the opportunity to take stock, assess and digest everything can be very cathartic and inspiring as we need to draw on more positives to cope with the darker days and longer nights. 

It’s a good time to Journal what's coming up for us; our thoughts and our feelings, and to notice the changes going on around us. To look at the environment we are in and the relationships that we have and what it is that we are searching for, feeling. 

To review what our values and beliefs are and how they are working out for us.

And if, like me you are really feeling it a lot at the moment (and I certainly am), then it’s even more important just to recognise those thoughts as just thoughts and take a moment to note down how and what is going on for you.

This morning I had to push through my resistance to journaling and for me I know that's a red flag. When I feel like this I know that I actually really need to. and once I started to I worked out where that resistance had come from.

A lot of us, especially in this time with a lot of uncertainty and forced change, will feel and think all sorts of things. Again, especially when we become parents, everything is magnified, we carry the huge weight of responsibility. We tend to over analyse and have expectations of what kind of parent we want to be. 

How do we want to be a parent in this life?

Obviously when we are in our vulnerable state - as we are collectively right now - that can feel very hard to do.

Take this moment now to pause and reflect as we go onwards into autumn. Notice the changes. take a moment to breathe in all that positivity and let go of anything that is no longer serving you.

Allow the thoughts to come and go instead of absorbing them.

Now, write them down and reflect on them and ask yourself some questions:

“How is this working out for me?”

“How realistic is this?”

“Can I see this another way?”

“What would I say to a friend?”

“What’s most important to me right now?”

“What do I need to move on from here?”

“What do I need to let go of, to feel happier?”

If you feel you'd like some more support, then please get in touch to discuss the many ways I can be there for you.

I have an anxiety workshop for just £10 that’s only an hour to complete and you’ll have some really effective ways to relieve your anxious thoughts and feelings, for life!

Or perhaps you’re in late pregnancy or early parenting and could so with some new ways to manage the tiredness and cope with the challenges? My Beyond Birth Guide will help you in so many more ways than you could ever imagine! For just £15, that’s a priceless bargain! (there are 11 audios included too….!)


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